This tutorial will demonstrate how to submit what is commonly known as a "proposal log" in PEER.
This log can take one of four distinct forms:
1) Grant Application (or Progress Report),
2) Subaward (incoming dollars with other institution as Sponsor and funding agency as "Prime"),
3) Federal Bid/Contract, or
4) VU billing agreement
Each of these types of proposal logs requires a corresponding Coeus proposal. The Coeus proposal should be completed first, and then the Coeus Proposal Development number can be used in PEER to import the PI, title, etc and reduce the need to duplicate typing.
Types 2 (Subaward), 3 (Federal Bid) and 4 (billing agreement) should be accompanied by a PEER Contract Request. Through the tutorial you will see how to generate and link a contract request to the completed proposal log.
Q: Why does central office require proposal logs?
A: The log serves as a "ticket" for central office to review your Coeus proposal. The log is how OSP knows you have a proposal in Coeus ready for us to review, and permits us to track the progress of the review and to correspond with you via comments about the proposal. The log also sets up and tracks the electronic COIs and PI Assurance for the proposal.
Q: Why is a log needed for a subcontract, doesn't that go through the VUMC Office of Contract Management (OCM)?
A: Yes, contracts will review, draft and negotiate the subcontract. However, for contracts that contain grant funds, a Subaward (incoming funds) log is completed to ensure that the Office of Sponsored Programs has reviewed the sub-award for compliance with the prime award, sponsor-related regulatory requirements, etc.
Let's get started....
The Home Dashboard
From the dashboard, click on the "Grants, Proposals & Awards" tile. This will take you to the Grants Dashboard page.
The grants dashboard page serves two purposes: 1) A full create menu on the left allows for generating new logs, requests, etc, and 2) the Active Items list shows PEER items that are being worked by OSP or are otherwise not yet "completed". Note the grey navigation bar where you can quicly go to the full list of items (including completed), or view COIs and PI assurances for your faculty.
To create the proposal log, click on "Log a Coeus Proposal" on the left.
The entry Form
The most important fields to begin your log are the Proposal Development Number and Work Type.
If you followed central office policy, you should have already created a Coeus Proposal and recorded the Proposal Development Number. Placing the number in this field and clicking the Import button will pull in the PI, Project Title, Work Type, KSPs and for Grant Apps only the subrecipient performance sites. The Proposal Number is a required field and you will not be able to proceed without it, so it is important to create your Coeus entry before coming to PEER.
Work Type should be imported from Coeus, but in the even it is not, you will need to understand what the two types of proposal logs are and when each is used. Your choices are Grant App, Subaward, Federal Bid or Billing Agreement. If you are submitting a progress report, use Grant App as the Work Type. If you get confused as to what type of item you should submit, click on the "Work Type Help" button, which will provide an overview of each type in a pop-up window.
Type in your Proposal Development number now and click Import. You should see the form populate with data from Coeus.
Finishing the Form - Grant Application work type
The import from Coeus will automatically identify the Work Type for you, and the form will be adjusted accordingly. There are a couple of additional fields you will have to compete manually before you can proceed. (1) Do yo want any originals returned to you, and (2) optionally upload any attachments. You can also add attachments after the form is submitted.
Things to note:
(3) KSPs are imported from Coeus. These KSPs are used to set up PI Assurances and the COIs. All KSPs listed will get a COI. PEER should be able to read from Coeus if any of the KSPs is a Co-PI and flag them accordingly (thereby setting up a PI Assurance), but double check them and if you do have a Co-PI be sure the box is checked appropriately. Also note (4) that outgoing sub organizations listed in Coeus are imported over as subs in your PEER log. These can be used later after the grant is awarded to trigger new subcontract requests to the contracts office
You're ready to click Submit.
Finishing up...
After submitting your form, you will receive a confirmation page.
For next steps, please see the Part 2 of this tutorial for the Work Type you have submitted. (e.g. Part 2 - Grant Application work type or Part 2 - Subaward work type)