Any time a new outgoing sub-award is contemplated on an existing award, you must submit that new sub as an "Add-On" in PEER on your original PEER Proposal Log. Typically this will be an outgoing sub-contract, though specifically for certain kinds of collaborations with VU faculty/staff, it may be a Billing Agreement. More information about Billing Agreements can be found on the OCM website:
This guide will walk you through entering the Add-On.the This guide assumes you have previously created a Coeus proposal for the Grant Application that has already been submitted and awarded. You'll begin by finding the PEER G# for that proposal log, or use the Coeus Proposal Development number to search and find the PEER Log.
Since Add-Ons are outgoing subcontracts from a grant, you should only ever add one to a Grant Application log (in fact PEER will not let you add an add-on to a Subaward log).
Find your original proposal log
From the menu bar, under "Views", select "Grant Items."
Once you are at the "Viewing Grant Items" page, search for the original proposal log. You can use any combination of the search fields above, just be sure you find the right log with the Proposal Development number maching what is in Coeus.
Once you've found the right log, click on the log's G number on the left hand side to view it in detail.
Find the Subrecipients Tab
The circled link (1) is what you want to click on. Also note in (2) that this log is marked complete. That means that central office has already reviewed the Coeus proposal and this log is now locked and you cannot make any further changes. The exception is that you may still add new subrecipients.
Confirmation page
You can see this log already has several sub-recipients that are not Add-Ons. These are subs that were part of the original proposal. Near the bottom you will see (in green text) that we already have one previous Add-On for this project that has been approved and sent on to Contracts-PEER. We also at the very bottom have a pending Add-On with VU. We're going to add another Add-On now as a Billing Agreement.
To add the new subrecipient as an Add-On, click the "Add a Subrecipient" button.
Add the Subrecipient Information
Complete all fields (address is not required) and then click save. Please note that the Subrecipient organization (1) must be chosen from the drop down list that will appear once you begin typing. If you do not see the organization you need, click the "Request a New Entry" link that will appear above the text field.
Also please note (2) that you must include the Scope of Work, Budget and Budget Justification for the add-on so that central office can review.
(3) For billing agreements where VUMC is paying VU for a VU-faculty/employee to collaborate on a VUMC project, please indicated Yes here. If you attempt to create a Billing Agreement with a sub-recipient other than VU, PEER will throw an error. For a standard sub-contract/subaward to VU, you would just answer "No" to the billing agreement question.
Here's the filled-out subrecipent form, set up as a VU Billing Agreement. Again, for a standard sub, you would just answer Billing-Agreement = No. Now let's click "Save"
Reviewing the completed add-on
The Add-On has now been saved. Notice the yellow alert in the first column. This indicates the Add-On has not been approved by OSP.
Why does OSP Have to Review my Add-On? Since this contract was not part of the original proposal, it was not reviewed with the rest of the application. OSP will review it now to ensure it is consistent with the proposal and meets sponsor requirements. This must happen BEFORE the sub can be submitted to OCM in Contracts-PEER.
When you saved the Add-On, OSP received an email alerting us to the new Add-On. Your designated central office reviewer will then review and approve the add-on. You will get an email when the approval takes place, and a Draft Contract Request will be automatically created in PEER and the information from the add-on will be copied into that draft.
You'll receive an email notification from PEER informing you to log in and finish the Draft contract request and submit to OCM for processing.
If you return to this screen, you can enter the contract request by clicking the link with the C#
The add-on after it is approved by central office
Notice two things about the now-approved Add-On: (1) The status is now green, and (2) The subrecipient now has a contract request ID.
You will need to log in to PEER, complete the contract submission and then submit it so OCM can review and set up as a new contract file.
You can view a list of all contract requests linked to this proposal by going back to the "View/Create contracts from this proposal" link on the left side menu.
Viewing linked Contract Submissions
You can see in the above example that a draft contract submission has already been created and linked to the Proposal log for the original subrecipient as well as the newer Add-On.
To view the contract submission (and complete & submit it), click on the submission ID number as shown. If for some reason the wrong contract submission has been linked, you may request breakage of the link by clicking the "Remove" button in the far right column.
Note the "Draft" column (1) above. This indicates that the submission is incomplete. You must complete and submit the Contract Submission separately before it will be reviewed by OCM. The Grants side of PEER does not have all the information required for a new contract, so you will still have some information to fill out. To view the submission, just click on the C number link in the first column.
Completing the Contract Submission
For details about creating and submitting a contract through PEER, please see the multi-part tutorial on Submitting a Contract Request. The final step to the Add-On grants log is to finish the contract submission and "submit" it to OCM. Note that (1) if your add-on is a Billing Agreement, this information will be transferred to the Contract Request. This concludes the current guide. For help submitting a contract request, please refer to the guide Submit a Contract to OCM, Part 1.