This tutorial will walk you through submission of a Pre-Award Spending Request.
The Home Dashboard
From the home Dashboard, click on the Grants, Proposals & Awards tile.
Select Pre-Award Spending Request
From the Grants Dashboard, click on Pre-Award Spending Request
Top half of the form
The top part of the form is fairly self-explanatory.
Coeus Proposal Number - This is mandatory. Once you enter the number, click on "Import from Coeus" and the project Title, PI, and Unit will auto-populate.
PI - The PI on this grant
Sponsor - The sponsor of the grant
Grant Title
Unit - The department the grant belongs to
Department Owner/Admin - You will be automatically entered as the first contact. The second is optional.
Bottom half of form
Grant Number - Enter the full grant number and year.
Center Number - Enter the cost center number the pre-award spending will be applied to.
Expected Start Date of the Grant - Enter the date you expect the award to begin.
Date of the Start of Pre-Award - Enter the date you desire to begin pre-award spending.
Justification - provide a detailed justification for the request
Once you have finished the form, click the "Submit" button.
Confirmation and Next Steps
After you click the "Submit" button, you will receive an email confirmation as well as the on-screen confirmation.
Pre-Award Spending Reqeusts require PI approval before central office will review and approve. Upon submission, the PI will receive an email requesting he/she log into PEER and approve.
Once this is done, central office will be notified and review of your request will take place.
PI Approval Email
This is what the email looks like that will be sent to the PI requesting his/her approval of the request.