This tutorial will walk you through submission of an Equipment Rebudget Request.

The Home Dashboard

From the home dashboard, click on the Grants, Proposals & Awards tile

Select Equipment Request

On the Grants Department dashboard, click on Equipment Rebudget Request

Top half of the form

The top part of the form is fairly self-explanatory. 

Coeus Proposal Number - This is mandatory. Once you enter the number, click on "Import from Coeus" and the project Title, PI, and Unit will auto-populate.
PI - The PI on the lead grant funding the equipment (you'll enter additional grants later)
Project Title (of the lead grant)
Sponsor - The sponsor of the lead grant
Unit - The department the lead grant belongs to
Department Owner/Admin - Primary is required. The second is optional.

Bottom half of form

Complete Grant Number - Enter the full grant number and year. This will auto populate from Coeus and is editable, though you shouldn't have to change it.

Primary Grant Re-budget Allocation.  Enter the percentage of the total cost of the equipment that will be paid from the lead grant.

Will this request include any institutional funds?  Answer Yes if there are unrestricted funds being used for the equipment.  If you answer Yes, the percent allocation (coming from the unrestricted funds) is required.

Notes about allocations:

- The percentages from all allocations must equal 100%

- 0% is an invalid allocation.

Add additional grants.  If there are other projects providing funding for the equipment, click the "Add Grant" button.  You'll have a search screen from which to find and select the projects contributing to this request. E.g.:

Click the green "Add" button for the project you want to include in the request.  It will populate in the request form like this:

You can add more grants and/or remove them.  Each new grant will require an allocation percentage.

The remainder of the form is as follows:

Methodology: If including grants other than the lead grant, you must provide the methodology for how you arrived at the allocation percentages for each grant.

Justification: Provide a detailed justification for how the equipment supports the scope of work (or scopes) of the grant(s) listed in the request. Why is the equipment needed for these projects?

Equipment cost.  This is required, and should match the amount in the price quote you'll upload at the bottom of the form.  


Equipment Price Quote (required)

Supporting Documentation -- this is required if the equipment is greater than $25,000.

Additional Documentation -- an optional third upload slot if needed.

Finally, click submit.  You'll be sent to a confirmation page.

Confirmation and Next Steps

After you click the "Submit" button, you will receive an email confirmation as well as the on-screen confirmation.

Equipment Rebudget Requests require PI approval before central office will review and approve. The PI for each grant listed on the request will receive an approval request email and will be required to approve. Once this is done, central office will be notified and review of your request will take place.