Note: In PEER, persons and users are interchangeable. A PEER user is listed in the list of persons, and anyone listed in PEER's list of persons is also a user. We will use the terms person and user interchangeably here.
In PEER, may workflows require you to select a User, e.g. as the contact on a proposal or contract, etc. From time to time you may need to select a person who is not yet in PEER. The process to add a new person can be completed by you and takes very little time.
First, in PEER, you'll see one of these finder fields for PI, contact, etc.:
Click the "Find" button to search for the user. You'll get a search form that looks like the below. Type the last name, or last, first, or even a VUMCnet ID until you find the name you want. If you can't find the user you want, click on the button titled "Can't find a person?"
This will bring up the Person Add form. Simply type in the VUMCnet ID of the new person and click the blue "Import" button. This should pre-populate most of the data:
If you don't know the user's VUMCnet ID, you can click the link "Find a VUnetID for a VUMC Person". This brings up a small search form to find the VUMCnet ID by last name.
Finally, click Submit. This will add the user to PEER. Then re-start your Finder search.