PEER provides a mechanism for e-Approval of contracts. This is NOT e-signature, but rather an approval that is recorded prior to signature.
The contract analyst first adds approvers in a queue. Approvals happen in sequence, beginning with the first approver. When each person approves, the next person in the queue gets an email notification.
Here’s an example of what that email looks like:
By clicking on the link, the user first logs in, then is taken immediately to their “My Pending Approvals” page. It looks like this:
There’s just the one item in my queue, so I click on “Open Review Window”, and I get a screen that then looks like this:
Note the tabs across the top. The first is general information about the agreement. The second allows the user to review the draft agreement PDF in their browser. The third shows the list of approvers, including who has approved, etc. Finally the last tab includes a comments box + approve and reject buttons.
The action is then recorded in the contract record in PEER and we have a date stamp for when the approval or rejection was received and by whom.